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The Confidence Crown

Mar 20, 2019

Ep 019 | Are You Living A Charged Life?


Rock concerts are some of the most energy filled places you can go and the beauty is that everyone there wants to be there and has the same thing in common. This past week I went to a conference that felt like a rock concert and I was getting coached! Yes, the coach has a coach and why not?! My passion in life is to improve the lives of others through confidence and self-belief and today we are discussing the types of people out there and how we can take back our lives and go after our childhood dreams.


Let me know where you are on your journey because I want to help you reach your goals!


What we’re talking about


  • Types of People
  • The Life You Want
  • The Life You Live


Categories of People


There seems to be three types of people and discovering which category you fall into will help you figure out how to grow and discover your passion. The three types are caged, comfortable and charged. We go into how each is defined and what they mean so you can decide where you want to be.


The Life You Want


Think back to what you wanted to be when you grew up. Is that what you became? Is it still something you want to be or do? Start journaling about the type of life you want to have and look for similarities and differences in the life you currently live. What can you do to make changes?


The Life You Have


The life you are living and have is affected and molded by your childhood, decisions you’ve made and decisions others have made for you. Are you leading a life that someone else decided you should or have you taken control of your life and are following your dreams and living out your passions?


You can have what you want. Write down your dreams and let’s chase them together!




The Confidence Crown Facebook Community Page



8:53 (18 sec) – For me, I want a charged life. A charged life allows me to have continuous kindness and compassion. I want to be the keeper of goodness. I want to make people feel good. I want to thrive on a daily basis and I want to be able to give that back to other people.



  1. You can’t want to be comfortable and complain about it.
  2. I believe we are constantly learning.
  3. What matters is the time you take to try new things.
  4. You can have what you want.
  5. Are you living the life you were meant to live or are you living one somebody else decided for you?



TCC Facebook post

  1. Finding the life you want to have and actually living it can seem daunting, but together we can re-discover your dreams and create the life you’ve always wanted. Today we are chatting about the life we live versus the life we want on Ep 19 of The Confidence Crown.  



Day of

  1. Are you ready to #lead the #life you’ve always wanted? Today we chat about different types of people and how surrounding yourself with like-minded ones help you lead the life you want on EP19 of The Confidence Crown.
  2. Are you comfortable with the life you are living? It’s time to get uncomfortable and chase your dreams and I’m telling you how to EP19 of The Confidence Crown.


Next day reminder

  1. Have you listened to the latest Podcast episode about living the life you want?! Head on over to iTunes and check it out!


Show Notes/Post Record INTRO: